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Cache API implementations

Spring Cache

Redisson provides various Spring Cache implementations.

Eviction, local cache and data partitioning

Redisson provides various Spring Cache managers with multiple important features:

  1. Local cache

    So called near cache used to speed up read operations and avoid network roundtrips. It caches Map entries on Redisson side and executes read operations up to 45x faster in comparison with common implementation. Local cache instances with the same name connected to the same pub/sub channel. This channel is used for exchanging of update/invalidate events between all instances. Local cache store doesn't use hashCode()/equals() methods of key object, instead it uses hash of serialized state.

  2. Data partitioning

    Although Map object is cluster compatible its content isn't scaled/partitioned across multiple Redis or Valkey master nodes in cluster. Data partitioning allows to scale available memory, read/write operations and entry eviction process for individual Map instance in cluster.

  3. Scripted eviction

    Allows to define time to live or max idle time parameters per map entry. Eviction is done on Redisson side through a custom scheduled task which removes expired entries using Lua script. Eviction task is started once per unique object name at the moment of getting Map instance. If instance isn't used and has expired entries it should be get again to start the eviction process. This leads to extra Redis or Valkey calls and eviction task per unique map object name.

    Entries are cleaned time to time by org.redisson.eviction.EvictionScheduler. By default, it removes 100 expired entries at a time. This can be changed through cleanUpKeysAmount setting. Task launch time tuned automatically and depends on expired entries amount deleted in previous time and varies between 5 second to 30 minutes by default. This time interval can be changed through minCleanUpDelay and maxCleanUpDelay. For example, if clean task deletes 100 entries each time it will be executed every 5 seconds (minimum execution delay). But if current expired entries amount is lower than previous one then execution delay will be increased by 1.5 times and decreased otherwise.

    Available implementations:

    Class name Local
    open-source version
    Redisson PRO version
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
  4. Advanced eviction

    Allows to define time to live parameter per map entry. Doesn't use an entry eviction task, entries are cleaned on Redis or Valkey side.

    Available implementations:

    Class name Local
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
  5. Native eviction

    Allows to define time to live parameter per map entry. Doesn't use an entry eviction task, entries are cleaned on Redis side.
    Requires Redis 7.4+.

    Available implementations:

    Class name Local
    open-source version
    Redisson PRO version
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Local cache options

Follow options object can be supplied during local cached managers initialization:

LocalCachedMapOptions options = LocalCachedMapOptions.defaults()

// Defines whether to store a cache miss into the local cache.
// Default value is false.

// Defines store mode of cache data.
// Follow options are available:
// LOCALCACHE - store data in local cache only.
// LOCALCACHE_REDIS - store data in both Redis or Valkey and local cache.

// Defines Cache provider used as local cache store.
// Follow options are available:
// REDISSON - uses Redisson own implementation
// CAFFEINE - uses Caffeine implementation

 // Defines local cache eviction policy.
 // Follow options are available:
 // LFU - Counts how often an item was requested. Those that are used least often are discarded first.
 // LRU - Discards the least recently used items first
 // SOFT - Uses weak references, entries are removed by GC
 // WEAK - Uses soft references, entries are removed by GC
 // NONE - No eviction

 // If cache size is 0 then local cache is unbounded.

 // Used to load missed updates during any connection failures to Redis. 
 // Since, local cache updates can't be get in absence of connection to Redis. 
 // Follow reconnection strategies are available:
 // CLEAR - Clear local cache if map instance has been disconnected for a while.
 // LOAD - Store invalidated entry hash in invalidation log for 10 minutes
 //        Cache keys for stored invalidated entry hashes will be removed 
 //        if LocalCachedMap instance has been disconnected less than 10 minutes
 //        or whole cache will be cleaned otherwise.
 // NONE - Default. No reconnection handling

 // Used to synchronize local cache changes.
 // Follow sync strategies are available:
 // INVALIDATE - Default. Invalidate cache entry across all LocalCachedMap instances on map entry change
 // UPDATE - Insert/update cache entry across all LocalCachedMap instances on map entry change
 // NONE - No synchronizations on map changes

// time to live for each entry in local cache

// max idle time for each entry in local cache

// Defines how to listen expired event sent by Redis or Valkey upon this instance deletion
// Follow expiration policies are available:
// DONT_SUBSCRIBE - Don't subscribe on expire event
// SUBSCRIBE_WITH_KEYEVENT_PATTERN - Subscribe on expire event using `__keyevent@*:expired` pattern
// SUBSCRIBE_WITH_KEYSPACE_CHANNEL - Subscribe on expire event using `__keyspace@N__:name` channel


Each Spring Cache Manager instance has two important parameters: ttl and maxIdleTime and stores data infinitely if they are not defined or equal to 0.

Complete config example:

public static class Application {

    RedissonClient redisson() throws IOException {
        Config config = new Config();
              .addNodeAddress("redis://", "redis://");
        return Redisson.create(config);

    CacheManager cacheManager(RedissonClient redissonClient) {
        Map<String, CacheConfig> config = new HashMap<String, CacheConfig>();

        // define local cache settings for "testMap" cache.
        // ttl = 48 minutes and maxIdleTime = 24 minutes for local cache entries
        LocalCachedMapOptions options = LocalCachedMapOptions.defaults()
            .timeToLive(48, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
            .maxIdle(24, TimeUnit.MINUTES)

        // create "testMap" Redis or Valkey cache with ttl = 24 minutes and maxIdleTime = 12 minutes
        LocalCachedCacheConfig cfg = new LocalCachedCacheConfig(24*60*1000, 12*60*1000, options);
        // Max size of map stored in Redis
        config.put("testMap", cfg);

        // scripted eviction
        return new RedissonSpringCacheManager(redissonClient, config);

        // native eviction
        return new RedissonSpringCacheManager(redissonClient, config);

        // data partitioning + scripted eviction
        return new RedissonClusteredSpringCacheManager(redissonClient, config);

        // data partitioning + advanced eviction
        return new RedissonSpringCacheV2Manager(redissonClient, config);

        // data partitioning + native eviction
        return new RedissonClusteredSpringCacheNativeManager(redissonClient, config);

        // local cache + scripted eviction
        return new RedissonSpringLocalCachedCacheManager(redissonClient, config);

        // local cache + native eviction
        return new RedissonSpringLocalCachedCacheNativeManager(redissonClient, config);

        // local cache + data partitioning + native eviction
        return new RedissonClusteredSpringLocalCachedCacheNativeManager(redissonClient, config);

        // local cache + data partitioning + advanced eviction
        return new RedissonSpringLocalCachedCacheV2Manager(redissonClient, config);

        // local cache + data partitioning + scripted eviction
        return new RedissonClusteredSpringLocalCachedCacheManager(redissonClient, config);


Cache configuration could be read from YAML configuration files:

    public static class Application {

        RedissonClient redisson(@Value("classpath:/redisson.yaml") Resource configFile) throws IOException {
            Config config = Config.fromYAML(configFile.getInputStream());
            return Redisson.create(config);

        CacheManager cacheManager(RedissonClient redissonClient) throws IOException {
            // scripted eviction
            return new RedissonSpringCacheManager(redissonClient, "classpath:/cache-config.yaml");

            // native eviction
            return new RedissonSpringCacheManager(redissonClient, "classpath:/cache-config.yaml");

            // data partitioning + scripted eviction
            return new RedissonClusteredSpringCacheManager(redissonClient, "classpath:/cache-config.yaml");

            // data partitioning + advanced eviction
            return new RedissonSpringCacheV2Manager(redissonClient, "classpath:/cache-config.yaml");

            // data partitioning + native eviction
            return new RedissonClusteredSpringCacheNativeManager(redissonClient, "classpath:/cache-config.yaml");

            // local cache + scripted eviction
            return new RedissonSpringLocalCachedCacheManager(redissonClient, "classpath:/cache-config.yaml");

            // local cache + native eviction
            return new RedissonSpringLocalCachedCacheNativeManager(redissonClient, "classpath:/cache-config.yaml");

            // local cache + data partitioning + native eviction
            return new RedissonClusteredSpringLocalCachedCacheNativeManager(redissonClient, "classpath:/cache-config.yaml");

            // local cache + data partitioning + advanced eviction
            return new RedissonSpringLocalCachedCacheV2Manager(redissonClient, "classpath:/cache-config.yaml");

            // local cache + data partitioning + scripted eviction
            return new RedissonClusteredSpringLocalCachedCacheManager(redissonClient, "classpath:/cache-config.yaml");


YAML config format

Below is the configuration of Spring Cache with name testMap in YAML format:

  ttl: 1440000
  maxIdleTime: 720000
    invalidationPolicy: "ON_CHANGE"
    evictionPolicy: "NONE"
    cacheSize: 0
    timeToLiveInMillis: 0
    maxIdleInMillis: 0


localCacheOptions settings are available for RedissonSpringLocalCachedCacheManager, RedissonClusteredSpringLocalCachedCacheManager, RedissonSpringLocalCachedCacheV2Manager, RedissonSpringLocalCachedCacheNativeManager, RedissonClusteredSpringLocalCachedCacheNativeManager classes only.

Hibernate Cache

Redisson implements Hibernate 2nd level Cache provider based on Redis.
All Hibernate cache strategies are supported: READ_ONLY, NONSTRICT_READ_WRITE, READ_WRITE and TRANSACTIONAL.

Compatible with Hibernate 4.x, 5.1.x, 5.2.x, 5.3.3+ up to 5.6.x and 6.0.2+ up to 6.x.x

Eviction, local cache and data partitioning

Redisson provides various Hibernate Cache factories including those with features below:

  1. Local cache

    So called near cache, which is useful for use cases when Hibernate Cache used mostly for read operations and/or network roundtrips are undesirable. It caches Map entries on Redisson side and executes read operations up to 5x faster in comparison with common implementation. Local cache instances with the same name connected to the same pub/sub channel. This channel is used for exchanging of update/invalidate events between all instances. Cache store doesn't use hashCode()/equals() methods of key object, instead it uses hash of serialized state.

  2. Data partitioning

    Although all implementations are cluster compatible thier content isn't scaled/partitioned across multiple Redis or Valkey master nodes in cluster. Data partitioning allows to scale available memory, read/write operations and entry eviction process for individual Hibernate Cache instance in Redis or Valkey cluster.

  3. Scripted eviction

    Allows to define time to live or max idle time parameters per map entry. Eviction is executed by Redisson through a custom scheduled task which removes expired entries using Lua script on Redis or Valkey side. Eviction task is started once per unique object name at the moment of getting Map instance. If instance isn't used and has expired entries it should be get again to start the eviction process. This leads to extra Redis or Valkey calls and eviction task per unique map object name.

    Entries are cleaned time to time by org.redisson.eviction.EvictionScheduler. By default, it removes 100 expired entries at a time. This can be changed through cleanUpKeysAmount setting. Task launch time tuned automatically and depends on expired entries amount deleted in previous time and varies between 5 second to 30 minutes by default. This time interval can be changed through minCleanUpDelay and maxCleanUpDelay. For example, if clean task deletes 100 entries each time it will be executed every 5 seconds (minimum execution delay). But if current expired entries amount is lower than previous one then execution delay will be increased by 1.5 times and decreased otherwise.

    Available implementations:

    Class name Local cache Data
    open-source version
    Redisson PRO version
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
  4. Advanced eviction

    Allows to define time to live parameter per map entry. Doesn't use an entry eviction task, entries are cleaned on Redis or Valkey side.

    Available implementations:

    Class name Local cache Data
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
  5. Native eviction

    Allows to define time to live parameter per map entry. Doesn't use an entry eviction task, entries are cleaned on Redis or Valkey side.
    Requires Redis 7.4+.

    Available implementations:

    Class name Local cache Data
    open-source version
    Redisson PRO version
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️ ✔️


  1. Add redisson-hibernate dependency into your project:


             <!-- for Hibernate v4.x -->
             <!-- for Hibernate v5.0.x - v5.1.x -->
             <!-- for Hibernate v5.2.x -->
             <!-- for Hibernate v5.3.3+ - v5.6.x -->
             <!-- for Hibernate v6.0.2+ - v6.x.x -->


         // for Hibernate v4.x
         compile 'org.redisson:redisson-hibernate-4:3.45.0'
         // for Hibernate v5.0.x - v5.1.x
         compile 'org.redisson:redisson-hibernate-5:3.45.0'
         // for Hibernate v5.2.x
         compile 'org.redisson:redisson-hibernate-52:3.45.0'
         // for Hibernate v5.3.3+ - v5.6.x
         compile 'org.redisson:redisson-hibernate-53:3.45.0'
         // for Hibernate v6.0.2+ - v6.x.x
         compile 'org.redisson:redisson-hibernate-6:3.45.0'
  2. Specify hibernate cache settings

    <!-- 2nd level cache activation -->
    <property name="hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache" value="true" />
    <property name="hibernate.cache.use_query_cache" value="true" />
    <!-- Redisson can fallback on database if Redis or Valkey cache is unavailable -->
    <property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.fallback" value="true" />
    <!-- Redisson YAML config (located in filesystem or classpath) -->
    <property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.config" value="/redisson.yaml" />

    Define Redisson Region Cache Factory in hibernate.cfg.xml file:

    <!-- Scripted Eviction -->
    <property name="hibernate.cache.region.factory_class" 
              value="org.redisson.hibernate.RedissonRegionFactory" />
    <!-- Native Eviction -->
    <property name="hibernate.cache.region.factory_class" 
              value="org.redisson.hibernate.RedissonRegionNativeFactory" />
    <!-- Data partitioning + Advanced eviction -->
    <property name="hibernate.cache.region.factory_class" 
              value="org.redisson.hibernate.RedissonRegionV2Factory" />
    <!-- Local cache + Scripted eviction -->
    <property name="hibernate.cache.region.factory_class"
              value="org.redisson.hibernate.RedissonLocalCachedRegionFactory" />
    <!-- Local cache + Data partitioning + Advanced eviction -->
    <property name="hibernate.cache.region.factory_class" 
              value="org.redisson.hibernate.RedissonLocalCachedV2RegionFactory" />
    <!-- Local cache + Native Eviction -->
    <property name="hibernate.cache.region.factory_class" 
              value="org.redisson.hibernate.RedissonLocalCachedNativeRegionFactory" />
    <!-- Data partitioning + Scripted eviction -->
    <property name="hibernate.cache.region.factory_class" 
              value="org.redisson.hibernate.RedissonClusteredRegionFactory" />
    <!-- Data partitioning + Native eviction -->
    <property name="hibernate.cache.region.factory_class"
              value="org.redisson.hibernate.RedissonClusteredNativeRegionFactory" />
    <!-- Local cache + Data partitioning + Scripted eviction -->
    <property name="hibernate.cache.region.factory_class" 
              value="org.redisson.hibernate.RedissonClusteredLocalCachedRegionFactory" />
    <!-- Local cache + Data partitioning + Native eviction -->
    <property name="hibernate.cache.region.factory_class" 
              value="org.redisson.hibernate.RedissonClusteredLocalCachedNativeRegionFactory" />

    By default each Region Factory creates own Redisson instance. For multiple applications, using the same Redis or Valkey setup and deployed in the same JVM, amount of Redisson instances could be reduced using JNDI registry:

    <!-- name of Redisson instance registered in JNDI -->
    <property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.jndi_name" value="redisson_instance" />
    <!-- Scripted Eviction -->
    <property name="hibernate.cache.region.factory_class" 
              value="org.redisson.hibernate.JndiRedissonRegionFactory" />
    <!-- Native Eviction -->
    <property name="hibernate.cache.region.factory_class" 
              value="org.redisson.hibernate.JndiRedissonRegionNativeFactory" />
    <!-- Data partitioning + Advanced eviction -->
    <property name="hibernate.cache.region.factory_class" 
              value="org.redisson.hibernate.JndiRedissonRegionV2Factory" />
    <!-- Local cache + Scripted eviction -->
    <property name="hibernate.cache.region.factory_class" 
              value="org.redisson.hibernate.JndiRedissonLocalCachedRegionFactory" />
    <!-- Local cache + Data partitioning + Advanced eviction -->
    <property name="hibernate.cache.region.factory_class" 
              value="org.redisson.hibernate.JndiRedissonLocalCachedV2RegionFactory" />
    <!-- Local cache + Native Eviction -->
    <property name="hibernate.cache.region.factory_class" 
              value="org.redisson.hibernate.JndiRedissonLocalCachedNativeRegionFactory" />
    <!-- Data partitioning + Scripted eviction -->
    <property name="hibernate.cache.region.factory_class" 
              value="org.redisson.hibernate.JndiRedissonClusteredRegionFactory" />
    <!-- Data partitioning + Native eviction -->
    <property name="hibernate.cache.region.factory_class" 
              value="org.redisson.hibernate.JndiRedissonClusteredNativeRegionFactory" />
    <!-- Local cache + Data partitioning + Scripted eviction -->
    <property name="hibernate.cache.region.factory_class" 
              value="org.redisson.hibernate.JndiRedissonClusteredLocalCachedRegionFactory" />
    <!-- Local cache + Data partitioning + Native eviction -->
    <property name="hibernate.cache.region.factory_class" 
              value="org.redisson.hibernate.JndiRedissonClusteredLocalCachedNativeRegionFactory" />

Cache settings

Redisson allows to define follow cache settings per entity, collection, naturalid, query and timestamp regions:

REGION_NAME - is a name of region which is defined in @Cache annotation otherwise it's a fully qualified class name.

Property name: hibernate.cache.redisson.[REGION_NAME].eviction.max_entries
Description: Max size of cache. Superfluous entries in Redis or Valkey are evicted using LRU algorithm. 0 value means unbounded cache.
Default value: 0

Property name: hibernate.cache.redisson.[REGION_NAME].expiration.time_to_live
Description: Time to live per cache entry in Redis. Defined in milliseconds. 0 value means this setting doesn't affect expiration.
Default value: 0

Property name: hibernate.cache.redisson.[REGION_NAME].expiration.max_idle_time
Description: Max idle time per cache entry in Redis. Defined in milliseconds. 0 value means this setting doesn't affect expiration.
Default value: 0

Property name: hibernate.cache.redisson.[REGION_NAME].localcache.cache_provider
Description: Cache provider used as local cache store. REDISSON and CAFFEINE providers are available.
Default value: REDISSON

Property name: hibernate.cache.redisson.[REGION_NAME].localcache.store_mode
Description: Store mode of cache data. Available values:

  • LOCALCACHE - store data in local cache only and use Redis or Valkey only for data update/invalidation.
  • LOCALCACHE_REDIS - store data in both Redis or Valkey and local cache.

Default value: LOCALCACHE

Property name: hibernate.cache.redisson.[REGION_NAME].localcache.max_idle_time
Description: Max idle time per entry in local cache. Defined in milliseconds. 0 value means this setting doesn't affect expiration
Default value: 0

Property name: hibernate.cache.redisson.[REGION_NAME].localcache.time_to_live
Description: Time to live per entry in local cache. Defined in milliseconds. 0 value means this setting doesn't affect expiration
Default value: 0

Property name: hibernate.cache.redisson.[REGION_NAME].localcache.eviction_policy
Description: Eviction policy applied to local cache entries when cache size limit reached. LFU, LRU, SOFT, WEAK and NONE policies are available.
Default value: NONE

Property name: hibernate.cache.redisson.[REGION_NAME].localcache.sync_strategy
Description: Sync strategy used to synchronize local cache changes across all instances. Available values:

  • INVALIDATE - Invalidate cache entry across all LocalCachedMap instances on map entry change
  • UPDATE - Update cache entry across all LocalCachedMap instances on map entry change
  • NONE - No synchronizations on map changes

Default value: INVALIDATE

Property name: hibernate.cache.redisson.[REGION_NAME].localcache.reconnection_strategy
Description: Reconnection strategy is used to load missed local cache updates through Hibernate during any connection failures to Redis. Available values:

  • CLEAR - Clear local cache if map instance has been disconnected for a while
  • LOAD - Store invalidated entry hash in invalidation log for 10 minutes. Cache keys for stored invalidated entry hashes will be removed if LocalCachedMap instance has been disconnected less than 10 minutes or whole cache will be cleaned otherwise
  • NONE - No reconnection handling

Default value: NONE

Property name: hibernate.cache.redisson.[REGION_NAME].localcache.size
Description: Max size of local cache. Superfluous entries in Redis or Valkey are evicted using defined eviction policy. 0 value means unbounded cache.
Default value: 0


hibernate.cache.redisson.[REGION_NAME].localcache.* settings are available for RedissonClusteredLocalCachedRegionFactory, RedissonLocalCachedV2RegionFactory and RedissonLocalCachedRegionFactory classes only.

Default cache settings

Default region configuration used for all caches not specified in configuration:

<!-- cache definition applied to all caches in entity region -->
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.entity.eviction.max_entries" value="10000" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.entity.expiration.time_to_live" value="600000" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.entity.expiration.max_idle_time" value="300000" />

<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.entity.localcache.max_idle_time" value="300000" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.entity.localcache.time_to_live" value="300000" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.entity.localcache.eviction_policy" value="LRU" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.entity.localcache.sync_strategy" value="INVALIDATE" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.entity.localcache.reconnection_strategy" value="CLEAR" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.entity.localcache.size" value="5000" />

<!-- cache definition applied to all caches in collection region -->
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.collection.eviction.max_entries" value="10000" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.collection.expiration.time_to_live" value="600000" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.collection.expiration.max_idle_time" value="300000" />

<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.collection.localcache.max_idle_time" value="300000" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.collection.localcache.time_to_live" value="300000" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.collection.localcache.eviction_policy" value="LRU" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.collection.localcache.sync_strategy" value="INVALIDATE" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.collection.localcache.reconnection_strategy" value="CLEAR" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.collection.localcache.size" value="5000" />

<!-- cache definition applied to all caches in naturalid region -->
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.naturalid.eviction.max_entries" value="10000" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.naturalid.expiration.time_to_live" value="600000" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.naturalid.expiration.max_idle_time" value="300000" />

<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.naturalid.localcache.max_idle_time" value="300000" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.naturalid.localcache.time_to_live" value="300000" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.naturalid.localcache.eviction_policy" value="LRU" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.naturalid.localcache.sync_strategy" value="INVALIDATE" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.naturalid.localcache.reconnection_strategy" value="CLEAR" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.naturalid.localcache.size" value="5000" />

<!-- cache definition applied to all caches in query region -->
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.query.eviction.max_entries" value="10000" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.query.expiration.time_to_live" value="600000" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.query.expiration.max_idle_time" value="300000" />

<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.query.localcache.max_idle_time" value="300000" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.query.localcache.time_to_live" value="300000" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.query.localcache.eviction_policy" value="LRU" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.query.localcache.sync_strategy" value="INVALIDATE" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.query.localcache.reconnection_strategy" value="CLEAR" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.query.localcache.size" value="5000" />

<!-- cache definition for timestamps region -->
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.timestamps.eviction.max_entries" value="10000" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.timestamps.expiration.time_to_live" value="600000" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.timestamps.expiration.max_idle_time" value="300000" />

<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.timestamps.localcache.max_idle_time" value="300000" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.timestamps.localcache.time_to_live" value="300000" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.timestamps.localcache.eviction_policy" value="LRU" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.timestamps.localcache.sync_strategy" value="INVALIDATE" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.timestamps.localcache.reconnection_strategy" value="CLEAR" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.timestamps.localcache.size" value="5000" />

Overriding the default configuration

Configuration per entity/collection/naturalid/query region overrides default configuration:

<!-- cache definition for entity region. Example region name: "my_object" -->
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.my_object.eviction.max_entries" value="10000" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.my_object.expiration.time_to_live" value="600000" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.my_object.expiration.max_idle_time" value="300000" />

<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.my_object.localcache.max_idle_time" value="300000" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.my_object.localcache.time_to_live" value="300000" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.my_object.localcache.eviction_policy" value="LRU" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.my_object.localcache.sync_strategy" value="INVALIDATE" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.my_object.localcache.reconnection_strategy" value="CLEAR" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.my_object.localcache.size" value="5000" />

<!-- cache definition for collection region. Example region name: "my_list" -->
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.my_list.eviction.max_entries" value="10000" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.my_list.expiration.time_to_live" value="600000" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.my_list.expiration.max_idle_time" value="300000" />

<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.my_list.localcache.max_idle_time" value="300000" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.my_list.localcache.time_to_live" value="300000" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.my_list.localcache.eviction_policy" value="LRU" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.my_list.localcache.sync_strategy" value="INVALIDATE" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.my_list.localcache.reconnection_strategy" value="CLEAR" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.my_list.localcache.size" value="5000" />

<!-- cache definition for naturalid region. Suffixed by ##NaturalId. Example region name: "my_object" -->
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.my_object##NaturalId.eviction.max_entries" value="10000" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.my_object##NaturalId.expiration.time_to_live" value="600000" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.my_object##NaturalId.expiration.max_idle_time" value="300000" />

<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.my_object##NaturalId.localcache.max_idle_time" value="300000" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.my_object##NaturalId.localcache.time_to_live" value="300000" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.my_object##NaturalId.localcache.eviction_policy" value="LRU" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.my_object##NaturalId.localcache.sync_strategy" value="INVALIDATE" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.my_object##NaturalId.localcache.reconnection_strategy" value="CLEAR" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.my_object##NaturalId.localcache.size" value="5000" />

<!-- cache definition for query region. Example region name: "my_query" -->
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.my_query.eviction.max_entries" value="10000" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.my_query.expiration.time_to_live" value="600000" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.my_query.expiration.max_idle_time" value="300000" />

<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.my_query.localcache.max_idle_time" value="300000" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.my_query.localcache.time_to_live" value="300000" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.my_query.localcache.eviction_policy" value="LRU" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.my_query.localcache.sync_strategy" value="INVALIDATE" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.my_query.localcache.reconnection_strategy" value="CLEAR" />
<property name="hibernate.cache.redisson.my_query.localcache.size" value="5000" />

JCache API (JSR-107)

Redisson provides an implementation of JCache API (JSR-107) for Redis.

Provided implementation fully passes TCK tests. Here is the test module.

Eviction, local cache and data partitioning

Redisson provides JCache implementations with many important features:

  1. Local cache

    So called near cache used to speed up read operations and avoid network roundtrips. It caches JCache entries on Redisson side and executes read operations up to 45x faster in comparison with common implementation. Local cache instances with the same name connected to the same pub/sub channel. This channel is used for exchanging of update/invalidate events between all instances. Local cache store doesn't use hashCode()/equals() methods of key object, instead it uses hash of serialized state.

  2. Data partitioning

    Although JCache instance is cluster compatible its content isn't scaled/partitioned across multiple Redis or Valkey master nodes in cluster. Data partitioning allows to scale available memory, read/write operations and entry eviction process for individual JCache instance in Redis or Valkey cluster.

  3. Fallback mode

    If set to true and Redis or Valkey is down the errors won't be thrown allowing application continue to operate without Redis.

  4. Scripted eviction

    Eviction is executed by Redisson through a custom scheduled task which removes expired entries using Lua script on Redis or Valkey side. Eviction task is started once per unique cache name at the moment of getting JCache instance. If instance isn't used and has expired entries it should be get again to start the eviction process. This leads to extra Redis or Valkey calls and eviction task per unique cache name.

    Entries are cleaned time to time by org.redisson.eviction.EvictionScheduler. By default, it removes 100 expired entries at a time. This can be changed through cleanUpKeysAmount setting. Task launch time tuned automatically and depends on expired entries amount deleted in previous time and varies between 5 second to 30 minutes by default. This time interval can be changed through minCleanUpDelay and maxCleanUpDelay. For example, if clean task deletes 100 entries each time it will be executed every 5 seconds (minimum execution delay). But if current expired entries amount is lower than previous one then execution delay will be increased by 1.5 times and decreased otherwise.

    Available implementations:

    open-source version
    Redisson PRO version
    ✔️ ✔️
    JCache with local cache
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
    JCache with data partitioning
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
    JCache with local cache and data partitioning
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
  5. Advanced eviction

    Doesn't use an entry eviction task, entries are cleaned on Redis or Valkey side.

    Available implementations:

    JCache V2
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
    JCache V2 with local cache
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
  6. Native eviction

    Doesn't use an entry eviction task, entries are cleaned on Redis side.
    Requires Redis 7.4+.

    Available implementations:

    JCache native
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️
    JCache native with data partitioning
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
    JCache native with local cache and data partitioning
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️


Below are the examples of JCache API usage.

  1. Using default config located at /redisson-jcache.yaml:

    // implementation with scripted eviction
    MutableConfiguration<String, String> config = new MutableConfiguration<>();
    // implementation with native eviction
    NativeConfiguration<String, String> config = new NativeConfiguration<>();
    // implementation with advanced eviction
    V2Configuration<String, String> config = new V2Configuration<>();
    CacheManager manager = Caching.getCachingProvider().getCacheManager();
    Cache<String, String> cache = manager.createCache("namedCache", config);
  2. Using config file with custom location:

    // implementation with scripted eviction
    MutableConfiguration<String, String> config = new MutableConfiguration<>();
    // implementation with native eviction
    NativeConfiguration<String, String> config = new NativeConfiguration<>();
    // implementation with advanced eviction
    V2Configuration<String, String> config = new V2Configuration<>();
    // yaml config
    URI redissonConfigUri = getClass().getResource("redisson-jcache.yaml").toURI();
    CacheManager manager = Caching.getCachingProvider().getCacheManager(redissonConfigUri, null);
    Cache<String, String> cache = manager.createCache("namedCache", config);
  3. Using Redisson's config object:

    // implementation with scripted eviction
    MutableConfiguration<String, String> jcacheConfig = new MutableConfiguration<>();
    // implementation with native eviction
    NativeConfiguration<String, String> jcacheConfig = new NativeConfiguration<>();
    // implementation with advanced eviction
    V2Configuration<String, String> jcacheConfig = new V2Configuration<>();
    Config redissonCfg = ...
    Configuration<String, String> config = RedissonConfiguration.fromConfig(redissonCfg, jcacheConfig);
    CacheManager manager = Caching.getCachingProvider().getCacheManager();
    Cache<String, String> cache = manager.createCache("namedCache", config);
  4. Using Redisson instance object:

    // implementation with scripted eviction
    MutableConfiguration<String, String> jcacheConfig = new MutableConfiguration<>();
    // implementation with native eviction
    NativeConfiguration<String, String> jcacheConfig = new NativeConfiguration<>();
    // implementation with advanced eviction
    V2Configuration<String, String> jcacheConfig = new V2Configuration<>();
    RedissonClient redisson = ...
    Configuration<String, String> config = RedissonConfiguration.fromInstance(redisson, jcacheConfig);
    CacheManager manager = Caching.getCachingProvider().getCacheManager();
    Cache<String, String> cache = manager.createCache("namedCache", config);

    Read more here about Redisson configuration.

Local cache configuration

      LocalCacheConfiguration<String, String> configuration = new LocalCacheConfiguration<>()

      // Defines whether to store a cache miss into the local cache.
      // Default value is false.

      // Defines store mode of cache data.
      // Follow options are available:
      // LOCALCACHE - store data in local cache only and use Redis or Valkey only for data update/invalidation.
      // LOCALCACHE_REDIS - store data in both Redis or Valkey and local cache.

      // Defines Cache provider used as local cache store.
      // Follow options are available:
      // REDISSON - uses Redisson own implementation
      // CAFFEINE - uses Caffeine implementation

      // Defines local cache eviction policy.
      // Follow options are available:
      // LFU - Counts how often an item was requested. Those that are used least often are discarded first.
      // LRU - Discards the least recently used items first
      // SOFT - Uses weak references, entries are removed by GC
      // WEAK - Uses soft references, entries are removed by GC
      // NONE - No eviction

      // If cache size is 0 then local cache is unbounded.

      // Used to load missed updates during any connection failures to Redis. 
      // Since, local cache updates can't be get in absence of connection to Redis. 
      // Follow reconnection strategies are available:
      // CLEAR - Clear local cache if map instance has been disconnected for a while.
      // LOAD - Store invalidated entry hash in invalidation log for 10 minutes
      //        Cache keys for stored invalidated entry hashes will be removed 
      //        if LocalCachedMap instance has been disconnected less than 10 minutes
      //        or whole cache will be cleaned otherwise.
      // NONE - Default. No reconnection handling

      // Used to synchronize local cache changes.
      // Follow sync strategies are available:
      // INVALIDATE - Default. Invalidate cache entry across all LocalCachedMap instances on map entry change
      // UPDATE - Insert/update cache entry across all LocalCachedMap instances on map entry change
      // NONE - No synchronizations on map changes

      // time to live for each entry in local cache

      // max idle time for each entry in local cache

     // Defines how to listen expired event sent by Redis or Valkey upon this instance deletion
     // Follow expiration policies are available:
     // DONT_SUBSCRIBE - Don't subscribe on expire event
     // SUBSCRIBE_WITH_KEYEVENT_PATTERN - Subscribe on expire event using `__keyevent@*:expired` pattern
     // SUBSCRIBE_WITH_KEYSPACE_CHANNEL - Subscribe on expire event using `__keyspace@N__:name` channel

Usage example:

// implementation with local cache + scripted eviction
LocalCacheConfiguration<String, String> config = new LocalCacheConfiguration<>();
                .setTimeToLive(48, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
                .setMaxIdle(24, TimeUnit.MINUTES)

// implementation with local cache + native eviction
LocalCacheNativeConfiguration<String, String> config = new LocalCacheNativeConfiguration<>();
                .setTimeToLive(48, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
                .setMaxIdle(24, TimeUnit.MINUTES)

// implementation with local cache + advanced eviction        
LocalCacheV2Configuration<String, String> config = new LocalCacheV2Configuration<>();
                .setTimeToLive(48, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
                .setMaxIdle(24, TimeUnit.MINUTES)

CacheManager manager = Caching.getCachingProvider().getCacheManager();
Cache<String, String> cache = manager.createCache("myCache", config);

// or

URI redissonConfigUri = getClass().getResource("redisson-jcache.yaml").toURI();
CacheManager manager = Caching.getCachingProvider().getCacheManager(redissonConfigUri, null);
Cache<String, String> cache = manager.createCache("myCache", config);

// or 

Config redissonCfg = ...
Configuration<String, String> rConfig = RedissonConfiguration.fromConfig(redissonCfg, config);

CacheManager manager = Caching.getCachingProvider().getCacheManager();
Cache<String, String> cache = manager.createCache("namedCache", rConfig);

Data partitioning

Usage examples:

// implementation with data partitioning + scripted eviction
ClusteredConfiguration<String, String> config = new ClusteredConfiguration<>();

// implementation with data partitioning + native eviction
ClusteredNativeConfiguration<String, String> config = new ClusteredNativeConfiguration<>();

// implementation with data partitioning + advanced eviction
V2Configuration<String, String> config = new V2Configuration<>();

CacheManager manager = Caching.getCachingProvider().getCacheManager();
Cache<String, String> cache = manager.createCache("myCache", config);

// or

URI redissonConfigUri = getClass().getResource("redisson-jcache.yaml").toURI();
CacheManager manager = Caching.getCachingProvider().getCacheManager(redissonConfigUri, null);
Cache<String, String> cache = manager.createCache("myCache", config);

// or 

Config redissonCfg = ...
Configuration<String, String> rConfig = RedissonConfiguration.fromConfig(redissonCfg, config);

CacheManager manager = Caching.getCachingProvider().getCacheManager();
Cache<String, String> cache = manager.createCache("namedCache", rConfig);

Local cache with data partitioning configuration

      ClusteredLocalCacheConfiguration<String, String> configuration = new ClusteredLocalCacheConfiguration<>()

      // Defines whether to store a cache miss into the local cache.
      // Default value is false.

      // Defines store mode of cache data.
      // Follow options are available:
      // LOCALCACHE - store data in local cache only and use Redis or Valkey only for data update/invalidation.
      // LOCALCACHE_REDIS - store data in both Redis or Valkey and local cache.

      // Defines Cache provider used as local cache store.
      // Follow options are available:
      // REDISSON - uses Redisson own implementation
      // CAFFEINE - uses Caffeine implementation

      // Defines local cache eviction policy.
      // Follow options are available:
      // LFU - Counts how often an item was requested. Those that are used least often are discarded first.
      // LRU - Discards the least recently used items first
      // SOFT - Uses weak references, entries are removed by GC
      // WEAK - Uses soft references, entries are removed by GC
      // NONE - No eviction

      // If cache size is 0 then local cache is unbounded.

      // Used to load missed updates during any connection failures to Redis. 
      // Since, local cache updates can't be get in absence of connection to Redis. 
      // Follow reconnection strategies are available:
      // CLEAR - Clear local cache if map instance has been disconnected for a while.
      // LOAD - Store invalidated entry hash in invalidation log for 10 minutes
      //        Cache keys for stored invalidated entry hashes will be removed 
      //        if LocalCachedMap instance has been disconnected less than 10 minutes
      //        or whole cache will be cleaned otherwise.
      // NONE - Default. No reconnection handling

      // Used to synchronize local cache changes.
      // Follow sync strategies are available:
      // INVALIDATE - Default. Invalidate cache entry across all LocalCachedMap instances on map entry change
      // UPDATE - Insert/update cache entry across all LocalCachedMap instances on map entry change
      // NONE - No synchronizations on map changes

      // time to live for each entry in local cache

      // max idle time for each entry in local cache

     // Defines how to listen expired event sent by Redis or Valkey upon this instance deletion
     // Follow expiration policies are available:
     // DONT_SUBSCRIBE - Don't subscribe on expire event
     // SUBSCRIBE_WITH_KEYEVENT_PATTERN - Subscribe on expire event using `__keyevent@*:expired` pattern
     // SUBSCRIBE_WITH_KEYSPACE_CHANNEL - Subscribe on expire event using `__keyspace@N__:name` channel

Usage examples:

// implementation with data partitioning + local cache + scripted eviction
ClusteredLocalCacheConfiguration<String, String> config = new ClusteredLocalCacheConfiguration<>();

// implementation with data partitioning + local cache + native eviction
ClusteredLocalCacheNativeConfiguration<String, String> config = new ClusteredLocalCacheNativeConfiguration<>();

// implementation with data partitioning + local cache + advanced eviction
LocalCacheV2Configuration<String, String> config = new LocalCacheV2Configuration<>();

CacheManager manager = Caching.getCachingProvider().getCacheManager();
Cache<String, String> cache = manager.createCache("myCache", config);

// or

URI redissonConfigUri = getClass().getResource("redisson-jcache.yaml").toURI();
CacheManager manager = Caching.getCachingProvider().getCacheManager(redissonConfigUri, null);
Cache<String, String> cache = manager.createCache("myCache", config);

// or 

Config redissonCfg = ...
Configuration<String, String> rConfig = RedissonConfiguration.fromConfig(redissonCfg, config);

CacheManager manager = Caching.getCachingProvider().getCacheManager();
Cache<String, String> cache = manager.createCache("namedCache", rConfig);

Asynchronous, Reactive and RxJava3 interfaces

Along with usual JCache API, Redisson provides Asynchronous, Reactive and RxJava3 API.

Asynchronous interface. Each method returns org.redisson.api.RFuture object.

// implementation with scripted eviction
MutableConfiguration<String, String> config = new MutableConfiguration<>();

// implementation with native eviction
NativeConfiguration<String, String> config = new NativeConfiguration<>();

// implementation with advanced eviction
V2Configuration<String, String> config = new V2Configuration<>();

CacheManager manager = Caching.getCachingProvider().getCacheManager();
Cache<String, String> cache = manager.createCache("myCache", config);

CacheAsync<String, String> asyncCache = cache.unwrap(CacheAsync.class);
RFuture<Void> putFuture = asyncCache.putAsync("1", "2");
RFuture<String> getFuture = asyncCache.getAsync("1");

Reactive interface. Each method returns reactor.core.publisher.Mono object.

// implementation with scripted eviction
MutableConfiguration<String, String> config = new MutableConfiguration<>();

// implementation with native eviction
NativeConfiguration<String, String> config = new NativeConfiguration<>();

// implementation with advanced eviction
V2Configuration<String, String> config = new V2Configuration<>();

CacheManager manager = Caching.getCachingProvider().getCacheManager();
Cache<String, String> cache = manager.createCache("myCache", config);

CacheReactive<String, String> reactiveCache = cache.unwrap(CacheReactive.class);
Mono<Void> putFuture = reactiveCache.put("1", "2");
Mono<String> getFuture = reactiveCache.get("1");

RxJava3 interface. Each method returns one of the following object: io.reactivex.Completable, io.reactivex.Single, io.reactivex.Maybe.

// implementation with scripted eviction
MutableConfiguration<String, String> config = new MutableConfiguration<>();

// implementation with native eviction
NativeConfiguration<String, String> config = new NativeConfiguration<>();

// implementation with advanced eviction
V2Configuration<String, String> config = new V2Configuration<>();

CacheManager manager = Caching.getCachingProvider().getCacheManager();
Cache<String, String> cache = manager.createCache("myCache", config);

CacheRx<String, String> rxCache = cache.unwrap(CacheRx.class);
Completable putFuture = rxCache.put("1", "2");
Maybe<String> getFuture = rxCache.get("1");

Open Liberty or WebSphere Liberty integration

Distributed Cache configuration example:

<library id="jCacheVendorLib">
    <file name="${shared.resource.dir}/redisson-all-3.43.0.jar"/>

<cache id="io.openliberty.cache.authentication" name="io.openliberty.cache.authentication"
    cacheManagerRef="CacheManager" />

<cacheManager id="CacheManager" uri="file:${server.config.dir}/redisson-jcache.yaml"> 
    <properties fallback="true"/>
    <cachingProvider jCacheLibraryRef="jCacheVendorLib"/>

Distributed Session persistence configuration example:


<httpEndpoint httpPort="${http.port}" httpsPort="${https.port}"
        id="defaultHttpEndpoint" host="*" />

<library id="jCacheVendorLib">
    <file name="${shared.resource.dir}/redisson-all-3.43.0.jar"/>

<httpSessionCache cacheManagerRef="CacheManager"/>

<cacheManager id="CacheManager" uri="file:${server.config.dir}/redisson-jcache.yaml"> 
    <properties fallback="true"/>
    <cachingProvider jCacheLibraryRef="jCacheVendorLib"/>

JCache settings

Settings are available only in Redisson PRO edition.

  • fallback

    Default value: false
    Description: Skip errors if Redis or Valkey cache is unavailable.

  • implementation

    Default value: cache
    Description: Cache implementation. Available values:

    • cache - implementation with scripted eviction
    • local-cache - implementation with local cache and scripted eviction
    • clustered-cache - implementation with data partitioning and scripted eviction
    • clustered-local-cache - implementation with data partitioning, local cache support and scripted eviction

    • cache-v2 - implementation with data partitioning and advanced eviction

    • local-cache-v2 - implementation with local cache, data partitioning and advanced eviction

    • native-cache - implementation with native eviction

    • local-cache-native - implementation with local cache and native eviction
    • clustered-native-cache - implementation with data partitioning and native eviction
    • clustered-local-cache-native - implementation with data partitioning, local cache support and native eviction
  • localcache.store_cache_miss

    Default value: false
    Description: Defines whether to store a cache miss into the local cache.

  • localcache.cache_provider

    Default value: REDISSON
    Description: Defines a cache provider used as local cache store. Available values:

  • localcache.store_mode

    Default value: LOCALCACHE
    Description: Store mode of cache data. Available values:

    • LOCALCACHE - store data in local cache only and use Redis or Valkey only for data update/invalidation
    • LOCALCACHE_REDIS - store data in both Redis or Valkey and local cache
  • localcache.max_idle_time

    Default value: 0
    Description: Max idle time per entry in local cache. Defined in milliseconds. 0 value means this setting doesn't affect expiration.

  • localcache.time_to_live

    Default value: 0
    Description: Time to live per entry in local cache. Defined in milliseconds. 0 value means this setting doesn't affect expiration.

  • localcache.eviction_policy

    Default value: NONE
    Description: Eviction policy applied to local cache entries when cache size limit reached. Available values:

    • LFU - Counts how often an item was requested. Those that are used least often are discarded first.
    • LRU - Discards the least recently used items first
    • SOFT - Uses weak references, entries are removed by GC
    • WEAK - Uses soft references, entries are removed by GC
    • NONE - No eviction
  • localcache.sync_strategy

    Default value: INVALIDATE
    Description: Sync strategy used to synchronize local cache changes across all instances. Available values:

    • INVALIDATE - Invalidate cache entry across all LocalCachedMap instances on map entry change
    • UPDATE - Update cache entry across all LocalCachedMap instances on map entry change
    • NONE - No synchronizations on map changes |
  • localcache.reconnection_strategy

    Default value: NONE
    Description: Reconnection strategy used to load missed local cache updates through Hibernate during any connection failures to Redis.

    • CLEAR - Clear local cache if map instance has been disconnected for a while
    • LOAD - Store invalidated entry hash in invalidation log for 10 minutes. Cache keys for stored invalidated entry hashes will be removed if LocalCachedMap instance has been disconnected less than 10 minutes or whole cache will be cleaned otherwise
    • NONE - No reconnection handling
  • localcache.size

    Default value: 0
    Description: Max size of local cache. Superfluous entries in Redis or Valkey are evicted using defined eviction policy. 0 value means unbounded cache.

MyBatis Cache

Redisson implements MyBatis Cache based on Redis.

Compatible with MyBatis 3.0.0+

Eviction, local cache and data partitioning

Redisson provides multiple MyBatis Cache implementations which support features below:

  1. Local cache

    So called near cache used to speed up read operations and avoid network roundtrips. It caches Map entries on Redisson side and executes read operations up to 45x faster in comparison with common implementation. Local cache instances with the same name connected to the same pub/sub channel. This channel is used for exchanging of update/invalidate events between all instances. Local cache store doesn't use hashCode()/equals() methods of key object, instead it uses hash of serialized state.

  2. Data partitioning

    Although Map object is cluster compatible its content isn't scaled/partitioned across multiple Redis or Valkey master nodes in cluster. Data partitioning allows to scale available memory, read/write operations and entry eviction process for individual Map instance in Redis or Valkey cluster.

  3. Scripted eviction

    Allows to define time to live or max idle time parameters per entry. Eviction is executed by Redisson through a custom scheduled task which removes expired entries using Lua script on Redis or Valkey side. Eviction task is started once per unique object name at the moment of getting Map instance. If instance isn't used and has expired entries it should be get again to start the eviction process. This leads to extra Redis or Valkey calls and eviction task per unique map object name.

    Entries are cleaned time to time by org.redisson.eviction.EvictionScheduler. By default, it removes 100 expired entries at a time. This can be changed through cleanUpKeysAmount setting. Task launch time tuned automatically and depends on expired entries amount deleted in previous time and varies between 5 second to 30 minutes by default. This time interval can be changed through minCleanUpDelay and maxCleanUpDelay. For example, if clean task deletes 100 entries each time it will be executed every 5 seconds (minimum execution delay). But if current expired entries amount is lower than previous one then execution delay will be increased by 1.5 times and decreased otherwise.

    Available implementations:

    Class name Local
    open-source version
    Redisson PRO version
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
  4. Advanced eviction

    Allows to define time to live parameter per map entry. Doesn't use an entry eviction task, entries are cleaned on Redis or Valkey side.

    Available implementations:

    Class name Local
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
  5. Native eviction

    Allows to define time to live parameter per map entry. Doesn't use an entry eviction task, entries are cleaned on Redis side.
    Requires Redis 7.4+.

    Available implementations:

    Class name Local
    open-source version
    Redisson PRO version
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️ ✔️


  1. Add redisson-mybatis dependency into your project




    compile 'org.redisson:redisson-mybatis:3.45.0'
  2. Specify MyBatis cache settings

    Redisson allows to define follow settings per Cache instance:

    • timeToLive

      Defines time to live per cache entry

    • maxIdleTime

      Defines max idle time per cache entry

    • maxSize

      Defines max size of entries amount stored in Redis or Valkey

    • localCacheProvider

      Cache provider used as local cache store. REDISSON and CAFFEINE providers are available. Default value: REDISSON

    • localCacheEvictionPolicy

      Local cache eviction policy. LFU, LRU, SOFT, WEAK and NONE eviction policies are available.

    • localCacheSize

      Local cache size. If size is 0 then local cache is unbounded.

    • localCacheTimeToLive

      Time to live in milliseconds for each map entry in local cache. If value equals to 0 then timeout is not applied.

    • localCacheMaxIdleTime

      Max idle time in milliseconds for each map entry in local cache. If value equals to 0 then timeout is not applied.

    • localCacheSyncStrategy

      Local cache sync strategy. INVALIDATE, UPDATE and NONE eviction policies are available.

    • redissonConfig

      Defines path to redisson config in YAML format

Cache definition examples:

<cache type="org.redisson.mybatis.RedissonCache">
  <property name="timeToLive" value="200000"/>
  <property name="maxIdleTime" value="100000"/>
  <property name="maxSize" value="100000"/>
  <property name="redissonConfig" value="redisson.yaml"/>

<cache type="org.redisson.mybatis.RedissonCacheNative">
  <property name="timeToLive" value="200000"/>
  <property name="redissonConfig" value="redisson.yaml"/>

<cache type="org.redisson.mybatis.RedissonCacheV2">
  <property name="timeToLive" value="200000"/>
  <property name="redissonConfig" value="redisson.yaml"/>

<cache type="org.redisson.mybatis.RedissonLocalCachedCache">
  <property name="timeToLive" value="200000"/>
  <property name="maxIdleTime" value="100000"/>
  <property name="maxSize" value="100000"/>

  <property name="localCacheEvictionPolicy" value="LRU"/>
  <property name="localCacheSize" value="1000"/>
  <property name="localCacheTimeToLive" value="2000000"/>
  <property name="localCacheMaxIdleTime" value="1000000"/>
  <property name="localCacheSyncStrategy" value="INVALIDATE"/>

  <property name="redissonConfig" value="redisson.yaml"/>

<cache type="org.redisson.mybatis.RedissonLocalCachedCacheV2">
  <property name="timeToLive" value="200000"/>

  <property name="localCacheEvictionPolicy" value="LRU"/>
  <property name="localCacheSize" value="1000"/>
  <property name="localCacheTimeToLive" value="2000000"/>
  <property name="localCacheMaxIdleTime" value="1000000"/>
  <property name="localCacheSyncStrategy" value="INVALIDATE"/>

  <property name="redissonConfig" value="redisson.yaml"/>

<cache type="org.redisson.mybatis.RedissonClusteredCache">
  <property name="timeToLive" value="200000"/>
  <property name="maxIdleTime" value="100000"/>
  <property name="maxSize" value="100000"/>
  <property name="redissonConfig" value="redisson.yaml"/>

<cache type="org.redisson.mybatis.RedissonClusteredLocalCachedCache">
  <property name="timeToLive" value="200000"/>
  <property name="maxIdleTime" value="100000"/>
  <property name="maxSize" value="100000"/>

  <property name="localCacheEvictionPolicy" value="LRU"/>
  <property name="localCacheSize" value="1000"/>
  <property name="localCacheTimeToLive" value="2000000"/>
  <property name="localCacheMaxIdleTime" value="1000000"/>
  <property name="localCacheSyncStrategy" value="INVALIDATE"/>

  <property name="redissonConfig" value="redisson.yaml"/>

Quarkus Cache

Eviction, local cache and data partitioning

Redisson provides various Quarkus Cache implementations with features below:

  1. Local cache

    So called near cache used to speed up read operations and avoid network roundtrips. It caches Map entries on Redisson side and executes read operations up to 45x faster in comparison with common implementation. Local cache instances with the same name connected to the same pub/sub channel. This channel is used for exchanging of update/invalidate events between all instances. Local cache store doesn't use hashCode()/equals() methods of key object, instead it uses hash of serialized state.

  2. Data partitioning

    Although Map object is cluster compatible its content isn't scaled/partitioned across multiple Redis or Valkey master nodes in cluster. Data partitioning allows to scale available memory, read/write operations and entry eviction process for individual Map instance in cluster.

  3. Scripted eviction

    Allows to define time to live or max idle time parameters per map entry. Eviction is executed by Redisson through a custom scheduled task which removes expired entries using Lua script on Redis or Valkey side. Eviction task is started once per unique object name at the moment of getting Map instance. If instance isn't used and has expired entries it should be get again to start the eviction process. This leads to extra Redis or Valkey calls and eviction task per unique map object name.

    Entries are cleaned time to time by org.redisson.eviction.EvictionScheduler. By default, it removes 100 expired entries at a time. This can be changed through cleanUpKeysAmount setting. Task launch time tuned automatically and depends on expired entries amount deleted in previous time and varies between 5 second to 30 minutes by default. This time interval can be changed through minCleanUpDelay and maxCleanUpDelay. For example, if clean task deletes 100 entries each time it will be executed every 5 seconds (minimum execution delay). But if current expired entries amount is lower than previous one then execution delay will be increased by 1.5 times and decreased otherwise.

    Available implementations:

    setting value
    open-source version
    Redisson PRO version
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
  4. Advanced eviction

    Allows to define time to live parameter per map entry. Doesn't use an entry eviction task, entries are cleaned on Redis or Valkey side.

    Available implementations:

    setting value
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
  5. Native eviction

    Allows to define time to live parameter per map entry. Doesn't use an entry eviction task, entries are cleaned on Redis side.
    Requires Redis 7.4+.

    Available implementations:

    setting value
    open-source version
    Redisson PRO version
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️ ✔️


  1. Add redisson-quarkus-cache dependency into your project


        <!-- for Quarkus v3.x.x -->


    // for Quarkus v3.x.x
    compile 'org.redisson:redisson-quarkus-30-cache:3.45.0'
  2. Add settings into file

    1. Basic settings

      • max-size

        Setting defines maximum size of this cache. Superfluous elements are evicted using LRU algorithm. If 0 the cache is unbounded. Default value is 0.

      • expire-after-write

        Setting defines time to live of the item stored in the cache. Default value is 0.

      • expire-after-access

        Setting defines time to live added to the item after read operation. Default value is 0.

      • implementation

        Setting defines the type of cache used. Default value is standard. Availabile values:

        • standard - implementation with scripted eviction
        • v2 - implementation with data partitioning and advanced eviction
        • native - implementation with native eviction
        • clustered_native - implementation with data partitioning and native eviction
        • localcache - implementation with local cache and scripted eviction
        • localcache_v2 - implementation with local cache, data partitioning and advanced eviction
        • localcache_native - implementation with local cache and native eviction
        • clustered_localcache - implementation with data partitioning, local cache and scripted eviction
        • clustered - implementation with data partitioning and scripted eviction
        • clustered_localcache_native - implementation with data partitioning, local cache and native eviction

      Below is the cache configuration example.

      # Default configuration for all caches
      # Configuration for `sampleCache` cache
    2. Local cache settings

      • quarkus.cache.redisson.[CACHE_NAME].max-size

        Max size of this cache. Superfluous elements are evicted using LRU algorithm. If 0 the cache is unbounded. Default value is 0.

      • quarkus.cache.redisson.[CACHE_NAME].cache-size

        Local cache size. If size is 0 then local cache is unbounded. Default value is 0.

      • quarkus.cache.redisson.[CACHE_NAME].reconnection-strategy

        Used to load missed updates during any connection failures to Redis. Default value isCLEAR. Since, local cache updates can't be executed in absence of connection to Redis. Available values:

        • CLEAR - Clear local cache if map instance has been disconnected for a while.
        • LOAD - Store invalidated entry hash in invalidation log for 10 minutes. Cache keys for stored invalidated entry hashes will be removed if LocalCachedMap instance has been disconnected less than 10 minutes or whole cache will be cleaned otherwise.
        • NONE - No reconnection handling
      • quarkus.cache.redisson.[CACHE_NAME].sync-strategy

        Used to synchronize local cache changes. Default value isINVALIDATE. Available values:

        • INVALIDATE - Invalidate cache entry across all LocalCachedMap instances on map entry change.
        • UPDATE - Insert/update cache entry across all LocalCachedMap instances on map entry change.
        • NONE - No synchronizations on map changes.
      • quarkus.cache.redisson.[CACHE_NAME].eviction-policy

        Defines local cache eviction policy. Default value isNONE. Available values:

        • LRU - uses local cache with LRU (least recently used) eviction policy.
        • LFU - uses local cache with LFU (least frequently used) eviction policy.
        • SOFT - uses local cache with soft references. The garbage collector will evict items from the local cache when the JVM is running out of memory.
        • WEAK - uses local cache with weak references. The garbage collector will evict items from the local cache when it became weakly reachable.
        • NONE - doesn't use eviction policy, but timeToLive and maxIdleTime params are still working.
      • quarkus.cache.redisson.[CACHE_NAME].time-to-live

        Time to live duration of each map entry in local cache. If value equals to 0 then timeout is not applied. Default value is 0.

      • redisson.cache.redisson.[CACHE_NAME].max-idle

        Defines max idle time duration of each map entry in local cache. If value equals to 0 then timeout is not applied. Default value is 0.

      • quarkus.cache.redisson.[CACHE_NAME].store-mode

        Defines store mode of cache data. Default value is LOCALCACHE_REDIS. Available values:

        • LOCALCACHE - store data in local cache only and use Redis or Valkey only for data update/invalidation
        • LOCALCACHE_REDIS - store data in both Redis or Valkey and local cache
      • quarkus.cache.redisson.[CACHE_NAME].cache-provider

        Defines Cache provider used as local cache store. Default value is REDISSON. Available values:

        • REDISSON - uses Redisson own implementation
        • CAFFEINE - uses Caffeine implementation
      • quarkus.cache.redisson.[CACHE_NAME].store-cache-miss

        Defines whether to store a cache miss into the local cache. Default value is false.

Local cache configuration example:

# possible values for localcache: localcache, localcache_v2, clustered_localcache

# Default configuration for all caches

# Configuration for `sampleCache` cache

Micronaut Cache

Eviction, local cache and data partitioning

Redisson provides various Micronaut Cache implementations with multiple important features:

  1. Local cache

    So called near cache used to speed up read operations and avoid network roundtrips. It caches Map entries on Redisson side and executes read operations up to 45x faster in comparison with common implementation. Local cache instances with the same name connected to the same pub/sub channel. This channel is used for exchanging of update/invalidate events between all instances. Local cache store doesn't use hashCode()/equals() methods of key object, instead it uses hash of serialized state.

  2. Data partitioning

    Although any Cache object is cluster compatible its content isn't scaled/partitioned across multiple Redis or Valkey master nodes in cluster. Data partitioning allows to scale available memory, read/write operations and entry eviction process for individual Map instance in cluster.

  3. Scripted eviction

    Allows to define time to live or max idle time parameters per map entry. Eviction is done on Redisson side through a custom scheduled task which removes expired entries using Lua script. Eviction task is started once per unique object name at the moment of getting Map instance. If instance isn't used and has expired entries it should be get again to start the eviction process. This leads to extra Redis or Valkey calls and eviction task per unique map object name.

    Entries are cleaned time to time by org.redisson.eviction.EvictionScheduler. By default, it removes 100 expired entries at a time. This can be changed through cleanUpKeysAmount setting. Task launch time tuned automatically and depends on expired entries amount deleted in previous time and varies between 5 second to 30 minutes by default. This time interval can be changed through minCleanUpDelay and maxCleanUpDelay. For example, if clean task deletes 100 entries each time it will be executed every 5 seconds (minimum execution delay). But if current expired entries amount is lower than previous one then execution delay will be increased by 1.5 times and decreased otherwise.

    Available implementations:

    Setting prefix Local cache Data
    open-source version
    Redisson PRO version
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
  4. Advanced eviction

    Allows to define time to live parameter per map entry. Doesn't use an entry eviction task, entries are cleaned on Redis or Valkey side.

    Available implementations:

    Setting prefix Local cache Data
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
  5. Native eviction

    Allows to define time to live parameter per map entry. Doesn't use an entry eviction task, entries are cleaned on Redis side.
    Requires Redis 7.4+.

    Available implementations:

    Setting prefix Local cache Data
    open-source version
    Redisson PRO version
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️
    available only in Redisson PRO
    ✔️ ✔️ ✔️


1. Add redisson-micronaut dependency into your project


    <!-- for Micronaut v2.0.x - v2.5.x -->
    <!-- for Micronaut v3.x.x -->
    <!-- for Micronaut v4.x.x -->


// for Micronaut v2.0.x - v2.5.x
compile 'org.redisson:redisson-micronaut-20:xVERSIONx'
// for Micronaut v3.x.x
compile 'org.redisson:redisson-micronaut-30:xVERSIONx'
// for Micronaut v4.x.x
compile 'org.redisson:redisson-micronaut-40:xVERSIONx'

2. Add settings into application.yml file

Config structure is a Redisson YAML configuration - (single mode, replicated mode, cluster mode, sentinel mode, proxy mode, multi cluster mode, multi sentinel mode)

NOTE: Setting names in camel case should be joined with hyphens (-).

Config example:

  1. Scripted eviction

         address: "redis://"
      threads: 16
      netty-threads: 32
            expire-after-write: 10s
            expire-after-access: 3s
            max-size: 1000
            codec: org.redisson.codec.Kryo5Codec
           expire-after-write: 200s
           expire-after-access: 30s
    Map Cache settings. Click to expand

    Setting name: redisson.caches.[CACHE_NAME].max-size
    Type: java.lang.Integer
    Description: Max size of this cache. Superfluous elements are evicted using LRU algorithm. If 0 the cache is unbounded.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.caches.[CACHE_NAME].codec
    Type: java.lang.Class
    Description: Data codec applied to cache entries.
    Default value: org.redisson.codec.Kryo5Codec

    Setting name: redisson.caches.[CACHE_NAME].expire-after-write
    Type: java.time.Duration
    Description: Cache entry time to live duration applied after each write operation. Disabled if value is 0.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.caches.[CACHE_NAME].expire-after-access
    Type: java.time.Duration
    Description: Cache entry time to live duration applied after each read operation. Disabled if value is 0.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.caches.[CACHE_NAME].write-behind-batch-size
    Type: java.lang.Integer
    Description: Write behind tasks batch size. During MapWriter methods execution all updates accumulated into a batch of specified size.
    Default value: 50

    Setting name: redisson.caches.[CACHE_NAME].write-behind-delay
    Type: java.time.Duration
    Description: Write behind tasks execution delay. All updates would be applied with lag not more than specified delay.
    Default value: 1000ms

    Setting name: redisson.caches.[CACHE_NAME].writer
    Type: java.lang.Class
    Description: MapWriter object used for write-through operations
    Default value: null

    Setting name: redisson.caches.[CACHE_NAME].write-mode
    Type: java.lang.String
    Description: Write mode. Default is WRITE_THROUGH
    Default value: null

    Setting name: redisson.caches.[CACHE_NAME].loader
    Type: java.lang.Class
    Description: MapLoader object used to load entries during read-operations execution
    Default value: null

  2. Data partitioning + Scripted eviction

        address: "redis://"
          expire-after-write: 10s
          expire-after-access: 3s
          max-size: 1000
          codec: org.redisson.codec.Kryo5Codec
          expire-after-write: 200s
          expire-after-access: 30s
    Clustered Map Cache settings. Click to expand

    These settings are available only in Redisson PRO

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-caches.[CACHE_NAME].max-size
    Type: java.lang.Integer
    Description: Max size of this cache. Superfluous elements are evicted using LRU algorithm. If 0 the cache is unbounded.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-caches.[CACHE_NAME].codec
    Type: java.lang.Class
    Description: Data codec applied to cache entries.
    Default value: Kryo5Codec

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-caches.[CACHE_NAME].expire-after-write
    Type: java.time.Duration
    Description: Cache entry time to live duration applied after each write operation. Disabled if value is 0.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-caches.[CACHE_NAME].expire-after-access
    Type: java.time.Duration
    Description: Cache entry time to live duration applied after each read operation. Disabled if value is 0.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-caches.[CACHE_NAME].write-behind-batch-size
    Type: java.lang.Integer
    Description: Write behind tasks batch size. During MapWriter methods execution all updates accumulated into a batch of specified size.
    Default value: 50

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-caches.[CACHE_NAME].write-behind-delay
    Type: java.time.Duration
    Description: Write behind tasks execution delay. All updates would be applied with lag not more than specified delay.
    Default value: 1000ms

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-caches.[CACHE_NAME].writer
    Type: java.lang.Class
    Description: MapWriter object used for write-through operations
    Default value: null

    Setting name redisson.clustered-caches.[CACHE_NAME].write-mode
    Type: java.lang.String
    Description: Write mode. Default is WRITE_THROUGH
    Default value: null

    Setting name redisson.clustered-caches.[CACHE_NAME].loader
    Type: java.lang.Class
    Description: MapLoader object used to load entries during read-operations execution
    Default value: null

  3. Local cache + Data partitioning + Scripted eviction

        address: "redis://"
          expire-after-write: 10s
          expire-after-access: 3s
          max-size: 1000
          codec: org.redisson.codec.Kryo5Codec
          store-сache-miss: true
          eviction-policy: `LFU`
          cache-size: 5000
          time-to-live: 2s
          max-idle: 1s
          expire-after-write: 200s
          expire-after-access: 30s
          time-to-live: 10s
          max-idle: 5s
    Clustered Local Map Cache settings. Click to expand

    These settings are available only in Redisson PRO

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-local-caches.[CACHE_NAME].max-size
    Type: java.lang.Integer
    Description: Max size of this cache. Superfluous elements are evicted using LRU algorithm. If 0 the cache is unbounded.
    Default value: 0 |

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-local-caches.[CACHE_NAME].codec
    Type: java.lang.Class
    Description: Data codec applied to cache entries.
    Default value: Kryo5Codec

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-local-caches.[CACHE_NAME].expire-after-write
    Type: java.time.Duration
    Description: Cache entry time to live duration applied after each write operation. Disabled if value is 0.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-local-caches.[CACHE_NAME].expire-after-access
    Type: java.time.Duration
    Description: Cache entry time to live duration applied after each read operation. Disabled if value is 0.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-local-caches.[CACHE_NAME].write-behind-batch-size
    Type: java.lang.Integer
    Description: Write behind tasks batch size. During MapWriter methods execution all updates accumulated into a batch of specified size.
    Default value: 50

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-local-caches.[CACHE_NAME].write-behind-delay
    Type: java.time.Duration
    Description: Write behind tasks execution delay. All updates would be applied with lag not more than specified delay.
    Default value: 1000ms

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-local-caches.[CACHE_NAME].writer
    Type: java.lang.Class
    Description: MapWriter object used for write-through operations
    Default value: null

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-local-caches.[CACHE_NAME].write-mode
    Type: java.lang.String
    Description: Write mode. Default is WRITE_THROUGH
    Default value: null

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-local-caches.[CACHE_NAME].loader
    Type: java.lang.Class
    Description: MapLoader object used to load entries during read-operations execution
    Default value: null

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-local-caches.[CACHE_NAME].cache-size
    Type: java.lang.Integer
    Description: Local cache size. If size is 0 then local cache is unbounded.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-local-caches.[CACHE_NAME].reconnection-strategy
    Type: java.lang.String
    Description: Used to load missed updates during any connection failures to Redis. Since, local cache updates can't be executed in absence of connection to Redis:

    • CLEAR - Clear local cache if map instance has been disconnected for a while.
    • LOAD - Store invalidated entry hash in invalidation log for 10 minutes. Cache keys for stored invalidated entry hashes will be removed if LocalCachedMap instance has been disconnected less than 10 minutes or whole cache will be cleaned otherwise.
    • NONE - No reconnection handling

    Default value: NONE

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-local-caches.[CACHE_NAME].sync-strategy
    Type: java.lang.String
    Description: Used to synchronize local cache changes.

    • INVALIDATE - Invalidate cache entry across all LocalCachedMap instances on map entry change.
    • UPDATE - Insert/update cache entry across all LocalCachedMap instances on map entry change.
    • NONE - No synchronizations on map changes.

    Default value: NONE

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-local-caches.[CACHE_NAME].eviction-policy
    Type: java.lang.String
    Description: Defines local cache eviction policy.

    • LRU - uses local cache with LRU (least recently used) eviction policy.
    • LFU - uses local cache with LFU (least frequently used) eviction policy.
    • SOFT - uses local cache with soft references. The garbage collector will evict items from the local cache when the JVM is running out of memory.
    • WEAK - uses local cache with weak references. The garbage collector will evict items from the local cache when it became weakly reachable.
    • NONE - doesn't use eviction policy, but timeToLive and maxIdleTime params are still working.

    Default value: NONE

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-local-caches.[CACHE_NAME].time-to-live
    Type: java.lang.Integer
    Description: Time to live duration of each map entry in local cache. If value equals to 0 then timeout is not applied.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-local-caches.[CACHE_NAME].max-idle
    Type: java.lang.Integer
    Description: Defines max idle time duration of each map entry in local cache. If value equals to 0 then timeout is not applied.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-local-caches.[CACHE_NAME].cache-provider
    Type: java.lang.String
    Description: Defines Cache provider used as local cache store.

    • REDISSON - uses Redisson own implementation.
    • CAFFEINE - uses Caffeine implementation.

    Default value: REDISSON

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-local-caches.[CACHE_NAME].store-сache-miss
    Type: java.lang.Boolean
    Description: Defines whether to store a cache miss into the local cache.
    Default value: false

  4. Local cache + Scripted eviction

        address: "redis://"
          expire-after-write: 10s
          expire-after-access: 3s
          max-size: 1000
          codec: org.redisson.codec.Kryo5Codec
          store-сache-miss: true
          eviction-policy: `LFU`
          cache-size: 5000
          time-to-live: 1s
          max-idle: 1s
          expire-after-write: 200s
          expire-after-access: 30s
          eviction-policy: `LFU`
          cache-size: 5000
          time-to-live: 10s
          max-idle: 5s
    Local Cached Map Cache settings. Click to expand

    These settings are available only in Redisson PRO

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches.[CACHE_NAME].max-size
    Type: java.lang.Integer
    Description: Max size of this cache. Superfluous elements are evicted using LRU algorithm. If 0 the cache is unbounded.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches.[CACHE_NAME].codec
    Type: java.lang.Class
    Description: Data codec applied to cache entries.
    Default value: Kryo5Codec

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches.[CACHE_NAME].expire-after-write
    Type: java.time.Duration
    Description: Cache entry time to live duration applied after each write operation. Disabled if value is 0.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches.[CACHE_NAME].expire-after-access
    Type: java.time.Duration
    Description: Cache entry time to live duration applied after each read operation. Disabled if value is 0.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches.[CACHE_NAME].write-behind-batch-size
    Type: java.lang.Integer
    Description: Write behind tasks batch size. During MapWriter methods execution all updates accumulated into a batch of specified size.
    Default value: 50

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches.[CACHE_NAME].write-behind-delay
    Type: java.time.Duration
    Description: Write behind tasks execution delay. All updates would be applied with lag not more than specified delay.
    Default value: 1000ms

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches.[CACHE_NAME].writer
    Type: java.lang.Class
    Description: MapWriter object used for write-through operations
    Default value: null

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches.[CACHE_NAME].write-mode
    Type: java.lang.String
    Description: Write mode. Default is WRITE_THROUGH
    Default value: null

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches.[CACHE_NAME].loader
    Type: java.lang.Class
    Description: MapLoader object used to load entries during read-operations execution
    Default value: null

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches.[CACHE_NAME].cache-size
    Type: java.lang.Integer
    Description: Local cache size. If size is 0 then local cache is unbounded.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches.[CACHE_NAME].reconnection-strategy
    Type: java.lang.String
    Description: Used to load missed updates during any connection failures to Redis. Since, local cache updates can't be executed in absence of connection to Redis.
    CLEAR - Clear local cache if map instance has been disconnected for a while.
    LOAD - Store invalidated entry hash in invalidation log for 10 minutes.
    Cache keys for stored invalidated entry hashes will be removed if LocalCachedMap instance has been disconnected less than 10 minutes or whole cache will be cleaned otherwise.
    NONE - No reconnection handling Default value: NONE

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches.[CACHE_NAME].sync-strategy
    Type: java.lang.String
    Description: Used to synchronize local cache changes.
    INVALIDATE - Invalidate cache entry across all LocalCachedMap instances on map entry change.
    UPDATE - Insert/update cache entry across all LocalCachedMap instances on map entry change.
    NONE - No synchronizations on map changes.
    Default value: NONE

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches.[CACHE_NAME].eviction-policy
    Type: java.lang.String
    Description: Defines local cache eviction policy.
    LRU - uses local cache with LRU (least recently used) eviction policy.
    LFU - uses local cache with LFU (least frequently used) eviction policy.
    SOFT - uses local cache with soft references. The garbage collector will evict items from the local cache when the JVM is running out of memory.
    WEAK - uses local cache with weak references. The garbage collector will evict items from the local cache when it became weakly reachable.
    NONE - doesn't use eviction policy, but timeToLive and maxIdleTime params are still working.
    Default value: NONE

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches.[CACHE_NAME].time-to-live
    Type: java.time.Duration
    Description: Time to live duration of each map entry in local cache. If value equals to 0 then timeout is not applied.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches.[CACHE_NAME].max-idle
    Type: java.time.Duration
    Description: Defines max idle time duration of each map entry in local cache. If value equals to 0 then timeout is not applied.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches.[CACHE_NAME].cache-provider
    Type: java.lang.String
    Description: Defines Cache provider used as local cache store.
    REDISSON - uses Redisson own implementation.
    CAFFEINE - uses Caffeine implementation.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches.[CACHE_NAME].store-сache-miss
    Type: java.lang.Boolean
    Description: Defines whether to store a cache miss into the local cache.
    Default value: false

  5. Native eviction

         address: "redis://"
      threads: 16
      netty-threads: 32
            expire-after-write: 10s
            expire-after-access: 3s
            max-size: 1000
            codec: org.redisson.codec.Kryo5Codec
           expire-after-write: 200s
           expire-after-access: 30s
    Map Cache Native settings. Click to expand

    Setting name: redisson.caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].max-size
    Type: java.lang.Integer
    Description: Max size of this cache. Superfluous elements are evicted using LRU algorithm. If 0 the cache is unbounded.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].codec
    Type: java.lang.Class
    Description: Data codec applied to cache entries.
    Default value: org.redisson.codec.Kryo5Codec

    Setting name: redisson.caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].expire-after-write
    Type: java.time.Duration
    Description: Cache entry time to live duration applied after each write operation. Disabled if value is 0.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].expire-after-access
    Type: java.time.Duration
    Description: Cache entry time to live duration applied after each read operation. Disabled if value is 0.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].write-behind-batch-size
    Type: java.lang.Integer
    Description: Write behind tasks batch size. During MapWriter methods execution all updates accumulated into a batch of specified size.
    Default value: 50

    Setting name: redisson.caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].write-behind-delay
    Type: java.time.Duration
    Description: Write behind tasks execution delay. All updates would be applied with lag not more than specified delay.
    Default value: 1000ms

    Setting name: redisson.caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].writer
    Type: java.lang.Class
    Description: MapWriter object used for write-through operations
    Default value: null

    Setting name: redisson.caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].write-mode
    Type: java.lang.String
    Description: Write mode. Default is WRITE_THROUGH
    Default value: null

    Setting name: redisson.caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].loader
    Type: java.lang.Class
    Description: MapLoader object used to load entries during read-operations execution
    Default value: null

  6. Data partitioning + Native eviction

        address: "redis://"
          expire-after-write: 10s
          expire-after-access: 3s
          max-size: 1000
          codec: org.redisson.codec.Kryo5Codec
          expire-after-write: 200s
          expire-after-access: 30s
    Clustered Map Cache Native settings. Click to expand

    These settings are available only in Redisson PRO

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].max-size
    Type: java.lang.Integer
    Description: Max size of this cache. Superfluous elements are evicted using LRU algorithm. If 0 the cache is unbounded.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].codec
    Type: java.lang.Class
    Description: Data codec applied to cache entries.
    Default value: Kryo5Codec

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].expire-after-write
    Type: java.time.Duration
    Description: Cache entry time to live duration applied after each write operation. Disabled if value is 0.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].expire-after-access
    Type: java.time.Duration
    Description: Cache entry time to live duration applied after each read operation. Disabled if value is 0.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].write-behind-batch-size
    Type: java.lang.Integer
    Description: Write behind tasks batch size. During MapWriter methods execution all updates accumulated into a batch of specified size.
    Default value: 50

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].write-behind-delay
    Type: java.time.Duration
    Description: Write behind tasks execution delay. All updates would be applied with lag not more than specified delay.
    Default value: 1000ms

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].writer
    Type: java.lang.Class
    Description: MapWriter object used for write-through operations
    Default value: null

    Setting name redisson.clustered-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].write-mode
    Type: java.lang.String
    Description: Write mode. Default is WRITE_THROUGH
    Default value: null

    Setting name redisson.clustered-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].loader
    Type: java.lang.Class
    Description: MapLoader object used to load entries during read-operations execution
    Default value: null

  7. Local cache + Data partitioning + Scripted eviction

        address: "redis://"
          expire-after-write: 10s
          expire-after-access: 3s
          max-size: 1000
          codec: org.redisson.codec.Kryo5Codec
          store-сache-miss: true
          eviction-policy: `LFU`
          cache-size: 5000
          time-to-live: 2s
          max-idle: 1s
          expire-after-write: 200s
          expire-after-access: 30s
          time-to-live: 10s
          max-idle: 5s
    Clustered Local Map Cache Native settings. Click to expand

    These settings are available only in Redisson PRO

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-local-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].max-size
    Type: java.lang.Integer
    Description: Max size of this cache. Superfluous elements are evicted using LRU algorithm. If 0 the cache is unbounded.
    Default value: 0 |

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-local-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].codec
    Type: java.lang.Class
    Description: Data codec applied to cache entries.
    Default value: Kryo5Codec

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-local-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].expire-after-write
    Type: java.time.Duration
    Description: Cache entry time to live duration applied after each write operation. Disabled if value is 0.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-local-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].expire-after-access
    Type: java.time.Duration
    Description: Cache entry time to live duration applied after each read operation. Disabled if value is 0.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-local-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].write-behind-batch-size
    Type: java.lang.Integer
    Description: Write behind tasks batch size. During MapWriter methods execution all updates accumulated into a batch of specified size.
    Default value: 50

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-local-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].write-behind-delay
    Type: java.time.Duration
    Description: Write behind tasks execution delay. All updates would be applied with lag not more than specified delay.
    Default value: 1000ms

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-local-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].writer
    Type: java.lang.Class
    Description: MapWriter object used for write-through operations
    Default value: null

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-local-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].write-mode
    Type: java.lang.String
    Description: Write mode. Default is WRITE_THROUGH
    Default value: null

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-local-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].loader
    Type: java.lang.Class
    Description: MapLoader object used to load entries during read-operations execution
    Default value: null

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-local-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].cache-size
    Type: java.lang.Integer
    Description: Local cache size. If size is 0 then local cache is unbounded.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-local-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].reconnection-strategy
    Type: java.lang.String
    Description: Used to load missed updates during any connection failures to Redis. Since, local cache updates can't be executed in absence of connection to Redis:

    • CLEAR - Clear local cache if map instance has been disconnected for a while.
    • LOAD - Store invalidated entry hash in invalidation log for 10 minutes. Cache keys for stored invalidated entry hashes will be removed if LocalCachedMap instance has been disconnected less than 10 minutes or whole cache will be cleaned otherwise.
    • NONE - No reconnection handling

    Default value: NONE

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-local-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].sync-strategy
    Type: java.lang.String
    Description: Used to synchronize local cache changes.

    • INVALIDATE - Invalidate cache entry across all LocalCachedMap instances on map entry change.
    • UPDATE - Insert/update cache entry across all LocalCachedMap instances on map entry change.
    • NONE - No synchronizations on map changes.

    Default value: NONE

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-local-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].eviction-policy
    Type: java.lang.String
    Description: Defines local cache eviction policy.

    • LRU - uses local cache with LRU (least recently used) eviction policy.
    • LFU - uses local cache with LFU (least frequently used) eviction policy.
    • SOFT - uses local cache with soft references. The garbage collector will evict items from the local cache when the JVM is running out of memory.
    • WEAK - uses local cache with weak references. The garbage collector will evict items from the local cache when it became weakly reachable.
    • NONE - doesn't use eviction policy, but timeToLive and maxIdleTime params are still working.

    Default value: NONE

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-local-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].time-to-live
    Type: java.lang.Integer
    Description: Time to live duration of each map entry in local cache. If value equals to 0 then timeout is not applied.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-local-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].max-idle
    Type: java.lang.Integer
    Description: Defines max idle time duration of each map entry in local cache. If value equals to 0 then timeout is not applied.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-local-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].cache-provider
    Type: java.lang.String
    Description: Defines Cache provider used as local cache store.

    • REDISSON - uses Redisson own implementation.
    • CAFFEINE - uses Caffeine implementation.

    Default value: REDISSON

    Setting name: redisson.clustered-local-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].store-сache-miss
    Type: java.lang.Boolean
    Description: Defines whether to store a cache miss into the local cache.
    Default value: false

  8. Local cache + Native eviction

        address: "redis://"
          expire-after-write: 10s
          expire-after-access: 3s
          max-size: 1000
          codec: org.redisson.codec.Kryo5Codec
          store-сache-miss: true
          eviction-policy: `LFU`
          cache-size: 5000
          time-to-live: 1s
          max-idle: 1s
          expire-after-write: 200s
          expire-after-access: 30s
          eviction-policy: `LFU`
          cache-size: 5000
          time-to-live: 10s
          max-idle: 5s
    Local Cached Map Cache Native settings. Click to expand

    These settings are available only in Redisson PRO

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].max-size
    Type: java.lang.Integer
    Description: Max size of this cache. Superfluous elements are evicted using LRU algorithm. If 0 the cache is unbounded.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].codec
    Type: java.lang.Class
    Description: Data codec applied to cache entries.
    Default value: Kryo5Codec

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].expire-after-write
    Type: java.time.Duration
    Description: Cache entry time to live duration applied after each write operation. Disabled if value is 0.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].expire-after-access
    Type: java.time.Duration
    Description: Cache entry time to live duration applied after each read operation. Disabled if value is 0.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].write-behind-batch-size
    Type: java.lang.Integer
    Description: Write behind tasks batch size. During MapWriter methods execution all updates accumulated into a batch of specified size.
    Default value: 50

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].write-behind-delay
    Type: java.time.Duration
    Description: Write behind tasks execution delay. All updates would be applied with lag not more than specified delay.
    Default value: 1000ms

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].writer
    Type: java.lang.Class
    Description: MapWriter object used for write-through operations
    Default value: null

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].write-mode
    Type: java.lang.String
    Description: Write mode. Default is WRITE_THROUGH
    Default value: null

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].loader
    Type: java.lang.Class
    Description: MapLoader object used to load entries during read-operations execution
    Default value: null

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].cache-size
    Type: java.lang.Integer
    Description: Local cache size. If size is 0 then local cache is unbounded.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].reconnection-strategy
    Type: java.lang.String
    Description: Used to load missed updates during any connection failures to Redis. Since, local cache updates can't be executed in absence of connection to Redis.
    CLEAR - Clear local cache if map instance has been disconnected for a while.
    LOAD - Store invalidated entry hash in invalidation log for 10 minutes.
    Cache keys for stored invalidated entry hashes will be removed if LocalCachedMap instance has been disconnected less than 10 minutes or whole cache will be cleaned otherwise.
    NONE - No reconnection handling Default value: NONE

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].sync-strategy
    Type: java.lang.String
    Description: Used to synchronize local cache changes.
    INVALIDATE - Invalidate cache entry across all LocalCachedMap instances on map entry change.
    UPDATE - Insert/update cache entry across all LocalCachedMap instances on map entry change.
    NONE - No synchronizations on map changes.
    Default value: NONE

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].eviction-policy
    Type: java.lang.String
    Description: Defines local cache eviction policy.
    LRU - uses local cache with LRU (least recently used) eviction policy.
    LFU - uses local cache with LFU (least frequently used) eviction policy.
    SOFT - uses local cache with soft references. The garbage collector will evict items from the local cache when the JVM is running out of memory.
    WEAK - uses local cache with weak references. The garbage collector will evict items from the local cache when it became weakly reachable.
    NONE - doesn't use eviction policy, but timeToLive and maxIdleTime params are still working.
    Default value: NONE

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].time-to-live
    Type: java.time.Duration
    Description: Time to live duration of each map entry in local cache. If value equals to 0 then timeout is not applied.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].max-idle
    Type: java.time.Duration
    Description: Defines max idle time duration of each map entry in local cache. If value equals to 0 then timeout is not applied.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].cache-provider
    Type: java.lang.String
    Description: Defines Cache provider used as local cache store.
    REDISSON - uses Redisson own implementation.
    CAFFEINE - uses Caffeine implementation.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches-native.[CACHE_NAME].store-сache-miss
    Type: java.lang.Boolean
    Description: Defines whether to store a cache miss into the local cache.
    Default value: false

  9. Data partitioning + Advanced eviction

         address: "redis://"
      threads: 16
      netty-threads: 32
            expire-after-write: 10s
            expire-after-access: 3s
            max-size: 1000
            codec: org.redisson.codec.Kryo5Codec
           expire-after-write: 200s
           expire-after-access: 30s
    Map Cache V2 settings. Click to expand

    Setting name: redisson.caches-v2.[CACHE_NAME].max-size
    Type: java.lang.Integer
    Description: Max size of this cache. Superfluous elements are evicted using LRU algorithm. If 0 the cache is unbounded.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.caches-v2.[CACHE_NAME].codec
    Type: java.lang.Class
    Description: Data codec applied to cache entries.
    Default value: org.redisson.codec.Kryo5Codec

    Setting name: redisson.caches-v2.[CACHE_NAME].expire-after-write
    Type: java.time.Duration
    Description: Cache entry time to live duration applied after each write operation. Disabled if value is 0.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.caches-v2.[CACHE_NAME].expire-after-access
    Type: java.time.Duration
    Description: Cache entry time to live duration applied after each read operation. Disabled if value is 0.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.caches-v2.[CACHE_NAME].write-behind-batch-size
    Type: java.lang.Integer
    Description: Write behind tasks batch size. During MapWriter methods execution all updates accumulated into a batch of specified size.
    Default value: 50

    Setting name: redisson.caches-v2.[CACHE_NAME].write-behind-delay
    Type: java.time.Duration
    Description: Write behind tasks execution delay. All updates would be applied with lag not more than specified delay.
    Default value: 1000ms

    Setting name: redisson.caches-v2.[CACHE_NAME].writer
    Type: java.lang.Class
    Description: MapWriter object used for write-through operations
    Default value: null

    Setting name: redisson.caches-v2.[CACHE_NAME].write-mode
    Type: java.lang.String
    Description: Write mode. Default is WRITE_THROUGH
    Default value: null

    Setting name: redisson.caches-v2.[CACHE_NAME].loader
    Type: java.lang.Class
    Description: MapLoader object used to load entries during read-operations execution
    Default value: null

  10. Local cache + Data partitioning + Advanced eviction

        address: "redis://"
          expire-after-write: 10s
          expire-after-access: 3s
          max-size: 1000
          codec: org.redisson.codec.Kryo5Codec
          store-сache-miss: true
          eviction-policy: `LFU`
          cache-size: 5000
          time-to-live: 2s
          max-idle: 1s
          expire-after-write: 200s
          expire-after-access: 30s
          time-to-live: 10s
          max-idle: 5s
    Local Map Cache V2 settings. Click to expand

    These settings are available only in Redisson PRO

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches-v2.[CACHE_NAME].max-size
    Type: java.lang.Integer
    Description: Max size of this cache. Superfluous elements are evicted using LRU algorithm. If 0 the cache is unbounded.
    Default value: 0 |

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches-v2.[CACHE_NAME].codec
    Type: java.lang.Class
    Description: Data codec applied to cache entries.
    Default value: Kryo5Codec

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches-v2.[CACHE_NAME].expire-after-write
    Type: java.time.Duration
    Description: Cache entry time to live duration applied after each write operation. Disabled if value is 0.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches-v2.[CACHE_NAME].expire-after-access
    Type: java.time.Duration
    Description: Cache entry time to live duration applied after each read operation. Disabled if value is 0.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches-v2.[CACHE_NAME].write-behind-batch-size
    Type: java.lang.Integer
    Description: Write behind tasks batch size. During MapWriter methods execution all updates accumulated into a batch of specified size.
    Default value: 50

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches-v2.[CACHE_NAME].write-behind-delay
    Type: java.time.Duration
    Description: Write behind tasks execution delay. All updates would be applied with lag not more than specified delay.
    Default value: 1000ms

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches-v2.[CACHE_NAME].writer
    Type: java.lang.Class
    Description: MapWriter object used for write-through operations
    Default value: null

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches-v2.[CACHE_NAME].write-mode
    Type: java.lang.String
    Description: Write mode. Default is WRITE_THROUGH
    Default value: null

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches-v2.[CACHE_NAME].loader
    Type: java.lang.Class
    Description: MapLoader object used to load entries during read-operations execution
    Default value: null

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches-v2.[CACHE_NAME].cache-size
    Type: java.lang.Integer
    Description: Local cache size. If size is 0 then local cache is unbounded.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches-v2.[CACHE_NAME].reconnection-strategy
    Type: java.lang.String
    Description: Used to load missed updates during any connection failures to Redis. Since, local cache updates can't be executed in absence of connection to Redis:

    • CLEAR - Clear local cache if map instance has been disconnected for a while.
    • LOAD - Store invalidated entry hash in invalidation log for 10 minutes. Cache keys for stored invalidated entry hashes will be removed if LocalCachedMap instance has been disconnected less than 10 minutes or whole cache will be cleaned otherwise.
    • NONE - No reconnection handling

    Default value: NONE

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches-v2.[CACHE_NAME].sync-strategy
    Type: java.lang.String
    Description: Used to synchronize local cache changes.

    • INVALIDATE - Invalidate cache entry across all LocalCachedMap instances on map entry change.
    • UPDATE - Insert/update cache entry across all LocalCachedMap instances on map entry change.
    • NONE - No synchronizations on map changes.

    Default value: NONE

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches-v2.[CACHE_NAME].eviction-policy
    Type: java.lang.String
    Description: Defines local cache eviction policy.

    • LRU - uses local cache with LRU (least recently used) eviction policy.
    • LFU - uses local cache with LFU (least frequently used) eviction policy.
    • SOFT - uses local cache with soft references. The garbage collector will evict items from the local cache when the JVM is running out of memory.
    • WEAK - uses local cache with weak references. The garbage collector will evict items from the local cache when it became weakly reachable.
    • NONE - doesn't use eviction policy, but timeToLive and maxIdleTime params are still working.

    Default value: NONE

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches-v2.[CACHE_NAME].time-to-live
    Type: java.lang.Integer
    Description: Time to live duration of each map entry in local cache. If value equals to 0 then timeout is not applied.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches-v2.[CACHE_NAME].max-idle
    Type: java.lang.Integer
    Description: Defines max idle time duration of each map entry in local cache. If value equals to 0 then timeout is not applied.
    Default value: 0

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches-v2.[CACHE_NAME].cache-provider
    Type: java.lang.String
    Description: Defines Cache provider used as local cache store.

    • REDISSON - uses Redisson own implementation.
    • CAFFEINE - uses Caffeine implementation.

    Default value: REDISSON

    Setting name: redisson.local-caches-v2.[CACHE_NAME].store-сache-miss
    Type: java.lang.Boolean
    Description: Defines whether to store a cache miss into the local cache.
    Default value: false

Code example:

public class CarsService {

    public List<String> listAll() {
        // ...

    @CachePut(parameters = {"type"}) 
    public List<String> addCar(String type, String description) {
        // ...

    @CacheInvalidate(parameters = {"type"}) 
    public void removeCar(String type, String description) {
        // ...