Feature Comparison: Redisson vs Jedis

Published on
December 14, 2023

Two of the most popular Java client libraries for Redis are Redisson and Jedis. Redisson offers in-memory data grid features with support for a variety of distributed objects and services for Redis. Jedis, on the other hand, is a more lightweight offering that lacks certain features of other libraries.

If you're looking for a Java client library for Redis, you might wonder about the pros and cons of Redisson and Jedis. In this article, we'll compare and contrast the different features that both Redisson and Jedis have to offer.

What about compatibility with Valkey?
Redisson Jedis
Valkey compatible unknown

Distributed collections
Redisson Jedis
Map plain commands only
JSON store plain commands only
Set plain commands only
List plain commands only
Queue plain commands only
Deque plain commands only
ScoredSortedSet plain commands only
Stream plain commands only

Redisson has implementations of many different Java objects, including distributed collections. These Redisson objects help Java programmers use many of the familiar data structures that they are accustomed to in Java.

The list of distributed collections in Redisson includes:

  • Map
  • JSON Store
  • Multimap
  • Set
  • List
  • Queue
  • Deque
  • SortedSet
  • ScoredSortedSet
  • PriorityQueue
  • PriorityDeque
  • DelayedQueue
  • Stream
  • RingBuffer

Jedis, on the other hand, provides significantly less support for distributed collections in Redis.

The following objects are only supported with plain commands in Jedis:

  • Map
  • Multimap
  • Set
  • List
  • Queue
  • Deque
  • ScoredSortedSet
Distributed locks and synchronizers
Redisson Jedis
Fenced Lock
Spin Lock

The question of locks and synchronization becomes much more complex when dealing with a distributed system, with different clients on separate machines.

Fortunately, Redisson supports some familiar Java locks and synchronizers for distributed computing, such as:

  • Lock
  • Semaphore
  • CountDownLatch
  • FairLock
  • Fenced Lock
  • Spin Lock
  • MultiLock

Jedis, however, does not include support for any of these locks and synchronizers in Redis. That means you'll have to handle this issue on your own, making the development process more complex.

Distributed objects
Redisson Jedis
Object holder plain commands only
JSON holder plain commands only
AtomicLong plain commands only
Publish/Subscribe plain commands only
Reliable Publish/Subscribe
Id Generator
AtomicDouble plain commands only
Geospatial plain commands only
BitSet plain commands only
BloomFilter plain commands only
HyperLogLog plain commands only
RateLimiter plain commands only

In addition to distributed collections, locks, and synchronizers, Redisson also implements a variety of other distributed objects in Java for Redis:

  • ObjectHolder
  • JSON Holder
  • AtomicLong
  • Publish/Subscribe
  • AtomicDouble
  • Geospatial
  • BitSet
  • BloomFilter
  • BinaryStream
  • HyperLogLog

Of the distributed objects above, Jedis does not support the BloomFilter or BinaryStream objects at all. The other objects in the list are supported via plain commands only.

Advanced cache support
Redisson Jedis
JCache API
JCache API with near cache
(up to 45x faster)
Near Cache
Read-through strategy support
Write-through strategy support
Write-behind strategy support

Only Redisson has a variety of advanced caching features. For example, Redisson includes support for three different caching strategies: read-through, write-through, and write-behind. Redisson also has a JCache API and a near cache that holds local copies of objects that are fetched from a remote cache. However, none of the features mentioned above are supported by Jedis out of the box.

Redisson Jedis
Transactions API
API architecture
Redisson Jedis
Instance thread-safety
Asynchronous interface
Reactive stream interface
RxJava3 interface

Redisson includes support for instances thread-safety, asynchronous interfaces, the Reactive Streams API, and the RxJava3 API. This support is entirely lacking in Jedis, however.

Distributed services
Redisson Jedis

Redisson provides support for a variety of distributed services in Java:

  • ExecutorService
  • MapReduce
  • SchedulerService
  • RemoteService
  • LiveObjectService

Unfortunately, none of these distributed services are supported by Jedis.

Integration with frameworks
Redisson Jedis
Spring Cache
Spring Cache with near cache
(up to 45x faster)
Spring Data
Spring Session
Hibernate Cache
Hibernate Cache with near cache
(up to 5x faster)
MyBatis Cache
MyBatis Cache with near cache
(up to 45x faster)
Quarkus Cache
Quarkus Cache with near cache
(up to 45x faster)
Micronaut Cache
Micronaut Cache with near cache
(up to 45x faster)
Micronaut Session
Tomcat Session Manager

Jedis includes support for the Spring Session and Spring Cache frameworks. In addition to these two frameworks, Redisson supports Hibernate Cache and the Tomcat Session Manager.

Redisson Jedis
SSL support

The good news is that both Jedis and Redisson include crucial security features such as authentication and SSL support.

Custom data serialization
Redisson Jedis
JSON codec
JDK Serialization
Avro codec
Smile codec
CBOR codec
MsgPack codec
Kryo codec
LZ4 compression codec
Snappy compression codec
Zstd compression codec

Redisson supports the Java Serialization API, as well as a variety of codecs:

  • JSON
  • FST
  • JDK Serialization
  • CBOR
  • MsgPack
  • Kryo
  • Avro
  • Smile
  • LZ4 compression
  • Snappy compression

Unfortunately, Jedis does not support JDK serialization or any of the above codecs.

Stability and ease of use
Redisson Jedis
Fully-managed services support
(AWS Elasticache, Azure Cache...)
Large memory amount handling

Both Redisson and Jedis are able to handle large amounts of memory. However, only Redisson includes support for fully managed services such as AWS Elasticache and Azure Cache.

Use Redis commands mapping table to find Redisson method for a particular Redis command.

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